This information can help you manage any problems you may have now, or reduce your risk of developing them in the future. Here we’ll take you through some types of sexual problems in men. This the care and support you’re entitled to, so if you’re not getting this type of care and you need it, don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare team. Getting the time and support to talk about sexual problems with a healthcare professional is one of your 15 essential healthcare checks. Sex can be an important part of our lives, but it's something we still struggle to talk about. This could mean you have difficulty getting aroused, both physically and in how you feel. This can restrict the amount of blood flowing to your sexual organs, so you can lose some sensation. Having high sugar levels for a period of time can damage your blood vessels and nerves, including the ones that supply your penis. It's one of the complications of diabetes, and happens because of high blood sugar levels, as well as high blood pressure and blood fats (cholesterol).
But people with diabetes are more at risk of sexual dysfunction (problems when you have sex). And having diabetes doesn’t mean you will automatically have a problem. Most people will have sexual problems at some point in their lives, whether they have diabetes or not. Having high sugar levels for a long period of time can cause problems in how you have sex – called sexual dysfunction.